- The Training function of the Association supports promotion of ethical conduct and enhancement of the skills and competencies of members to global standards has been one of the main focuses of the Financial Markets Dealers Association (FMDA).
- The Training arm of the FMDA also collaborate with CIBN (Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria) to organize Certification programme named TMC (Treasury Management Certification) formerly known as TDC (Treasury Dealership Certificate) for Treasury and Treasury Support staffs of all banks in Nigeria.
ACI Training/Certification Exam
The ACI Dealing/Settlements Certificate is a foundation programme that is recognized worldwide as an entry-level qualification for dealers’ and back-office staffs that are active in the unregulated financial markets. The programme allows candidates to acquire a working knowledge of the structure and operation/settlement process of the major foreign exchange and money markets, including the ability to apply the fundamental mathematics used in these markets, and their core products (cash, forwards and derivatives), and the basic skills required for competent participation, including the ability to apply the fundamental mathematics used in these markets. Candidates are also expected to be able to apply The Model Code to their situation.
The programme is designed for the following groups:
FMDA in conjunction with its partners, ICAP South Africa, runs a four (4) day intensive preparatory class for the ACI Dealing/Settlement Workshop for the ACI Certificate Exams
The examination is online based and can be written in any prometric centre.